What is Whey Protein? 

Whey proteins are (generally) high quality proteins which form the major proteins in milk. When milk is used to make cheese; the milk separates into curds (used for cheese making) and leaves a watery by-product: Whey. This can be dried into a powder and packaged as a whey protein supplement.  

There are different types of whey protein supplements, but two of the most common forms are whey concentrate and whey isolate. The main difference between concentrate and isolate are seen in the processing methods. In the whey concentrate, around 80% of the protein is whey with the remaining 20% being lactose and fat. In comparison, the whey isolate is further processed to reduce the carbohydrate and fat content, this can result in the protein containing 90% whey. 

Why We Love Whey Protein

Whey protein is digested quickly, resulting in a more rapid increase in plasma amino acids, and rapidly stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS). Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) and Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are the amino acids needed to both stimulate MPS and to provide the building material for muscle. The key ‘driver’ for stimulation of MPS is the amino acid leucine – one of the three BCAAs. Whey proteins contain higher amounts of EAAs and BCAAs (in particular leucine) when compared to other types of protein such as casein or soy. As such this means that using whey protein will help to promote muscle recovery and indeed growth with appropriate training.  

Benefits of Whey Protein 

Our Whey Protein supplements have been formulated by our experts, Professor Graeme Close and Professor Don Maclaren, using Informed-Sport accredited European manufacturing facilities. Our main supplier of Whey Protein is also Origin Green members, ensuring they are committed to measurable sustainability targets.

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