Quick and easy homemade pizza using ready made flatbreads and simple low fat toppings, ideal for post heavy training or match play. Feel free to expand
on the toppings but this gives a good base recipe. This recipe makes 4 flatbread pizzas.


  • 400g Pizza Sauce
  • 320g Greek Style Flatbread
  • 200g Light Mozzarella
  • 120g Cooked Chicken Breast Pieces


Get the oven heated up to 200C and lay out the 4 flatbreads that are to be used as the bases.

Divide the 400g can of pizza sauce between the 4 bases. Chop the cooked chicken breast and light mozzarella into small cubes.

Divide the cubed chicken and cheese between the four bases and then place in the oven for 10-12 minutes until the cheese has melted.

MACROS: 364 Kcal | 42g Carb | 27g Protein | 9.4g Fat